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Chlorella (Broken cell wall) [chlorella vulgaris]

Chemical analysis revealed that the lipid fraction contained large quantities of antioxidants, including carotenoids (especially lutein) and others, and phospholipids involved in aorta collagen and elastin metabolism; the residual fraction contained high concentrations of arginine, enhancing the function of blood vessels. Daily dietary supplementation with chlorella may help maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels already within normal range, sustain healthy vascular function, accelerate wound healing, and enhance immune functions.1-3*

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Due to the ability of algae to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, chlorella, along with other algae, played an extremely important role in shaping a living habitat for creatures on the planet’s surface.
Research has shown which is the best chlorella for human consumption, and these strains are now cultivated and grown all over the world. The most widely studied and most beneficial form of chlorella is chlorella vulgaris.4 Chlorella expert Toshihiro Kanno Ph.D states that, “More than 500 scientific studies have been published proving chlorella’s safety and effectiveness.” The people of Japan have a deep appreciation for Chlorella and it is one of their most commonly used supplements. They began compiling research on chlorella powder in the 1940′s and have amassed a plethora of scientific data to support the health benefits of chlorella. Their research spawned a huge interest in chlorella that has led to its enormous demand that we see today.
Over the last decades it was realized that chlorella has a very tough cell wall and that in order for its nutritional benefits to be conferred onto humans, the cell walls must be broken. This is perhaps one of the most important chlorella facts to realize. Many companies now sell broken cell wall chlorella and scientific research verifies that this is the most potent and best chlorella that you can buy.

Health Benefits of Chlorella:

• Numerous studies have concluded that substances in chlorella, such as sporopollein, have the ability to cleanse neurotoxins and toxic heavy metals including mercury, uranium, lead, arsenic, and cadmium.5
• Japanese studies were able to show that chlorella also supports the optimal functioning and cleansing of the liver, the chief organ in detoxification.*
• Dr. Gabriel Cousens in his book Conscious Eating cites another important piece of information to this list of chlorella health benefits. Chlorella vulgaris has a compound known as chlorellan, which stimulates the production of important defense cells in our immune system.6
• Chlorella contains a substance known as Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) that has been shown to assist in the repair and regeneration of human tissue.7 CGF has also been found to be a powerful catalyst in the healthy development of a fetus.8
Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF): Is a special extract of the micro-algae chlorella. It is a special compound which can be dissolved in hot water. It is mostly from the cell nucleus of chlorella, a concentration of DNA and RNA.
Chlorella is the highest known source of chlorophyll, about 2 percent by weight, ten times the amount found in alfalfa. “Dr. Bernard Jensen”
Chlorella is an edible microalgae discovered in the late 1800s by a Dutch biologist. Because it was found to be over 50 percent protein, German scientists during World Wars I and II investigated it as a possible means of alleviating wartime food shortages. After World War II, the Carnegie Institute in Washington, DC picked up where the German scientists left off and found a way to grow chlorella commercially. The Japanese took over the development of chlorella at that point and have made on of the finest health food supplements in the world from it.
Chlorella is a most unusual single-celled plant, with a two billion-year history on this planet, as scientists have discovered from fossils. Under fertile growing conditions, each chlorella cell divides into four new cells every 20 to 24 hours. This amounts to about 40 tons per acre annual harvest, as compared to under half a ton of soybeans, or two tons of rice, per acre per year it contains 18 of 22 known amino acids essential to human nutrition.
The nutritional profile of chlorella is impressive. Vitamins B-1, B-2, B-3, B-6, C, E, pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin, PABA and inositol are found in chlorella. Over 20 micrograms of B-12 and over 100,000 I.U. of vitamin A are found per 100 grams, along with 260 mg of calcium, 330 mg of magnesium, 130 mg of iron, 100 mg of zinc, 530 mcg of iodine and 1,000 mg of phosphorus.
Chlorella is the highest known source of chlorophyll, over 2 percent per weight, chlorophyll is effective in detoxifying the liver and bloodstream, cleansing the bowel and feeding the friendly bowel flora.*
Iron is more easily absorbed from the bowel in the presence of chlorophyll.* By far, the most fascinating feature of chlorella is found in its recorded cases of healing and prevention of disease.*
During a three-month cruise, 458 Japanese sailors of the marine defense fleet were given two grams of chlorella tablets daily, while 513 sailors on sister ships served as controls, receiving no chlorella. The cruise was made in hot, tropical weather and the men worked hard. Over the 3-month voyage, 903 colds were reported among the 513 controls, 41 percent more than the chlorella-supplemented group, with 571 colds. Average weight loss among controls was 3.31 lb. While in the chlorella group, it was 1.5 lb. The chlorella-supplemented sailor showed a significantly higher resistance to cold viruses and weight loss. 9
Since this experiment, researchers have found a substance in chlorella that appears to increase production of interferon, a chemical in the body, which protects cells from harmful viruses. 10
At Kyushu University Medical College in Japan, chlorella was given to five patients with wounds that refused to heal under conventional medical treatment, including antibiotics. In three cases, the wounds healed satisfactorily in less than a month, while two of the more stubborn cases required about 2 months to heal.*
Effective treatment of peptic ulcers using chlorella is now well established in Japan, as well as treatment of duodenal ulcers and gastritis.11Typically, treatment consists of taking chlorella along with prescribed medication to hasten healing. X-rays have been used to verify complete healing.
Chlorella has been used in treating hypertension, diabetes, hypoglycemia, asthma, constipation and elevated cholesterol levels. Recent research indicates the substances in chlorella stimulate the natural immune system to protect the body from cancer. 12
There is a fascinating reason why chlorella seems to reverse or protect from many diseases.
In the 1950s, Dr. Fujimaki of the People’s Scientific Research Center in Tokyo separated a substance from a hot water extract of chlorella by electrophoresis, which was later named Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF). This extract was found to be rich in nucleic factors.
Early experiments with young rats, rabbits, chicks and pigs showed that adding 5 percent to 10 percent chlorella to their regular feed brought dramatic increases in weight gain and size ranging from 10 percent to 47 percent over controls. Dr. Yoshio Yamagishi then arranged to try chlorella on healthy 10 year old students, 22 boys and 18 girls, at Okuno Primary School in Tokyo, while another group of 22 boys and 15 girls the same age served as controls. Two grams of chlorella were given daily to the test group (except Sundays and holidays) for a total of 112 days.
The height and weight of all children in the experiment were recorded monthly. At the end of the experiment, the average increase for boys taking chlorella was one inch in height and 2.3 lb in weight, while the boys in the control group grew 0.6 inch in height and 1.6 lb in weight. The girls of both groups gained an average of 0.9 inch in height, but the girls who took chlorella gained 4.2 lb on the average, while the controls gained 2.7 lb. 13
Dr. Frank Benjamin believes that the loss of energy and the physical deterioration associated with aging are due to the increasing breakdown of nucleic factors (DNA, RNA) that are needed for healthy cell functioning. When he put his patients on a diet rich in DNA and RNA foods, he expected to see improvements in energy levels and well being as the nucleic components were made available for repair and replacement of cellular nucleic acids. (DNA and RNA in all living things are made up of the same basic chemical building blocks.)
To his surprise, Dr. Frank Benjamin found that not only did his patients begin to gain back more youthful energy and appearance, but health problems such as arthritis, emphysema, heart disease, deteriorating vision, memory loss and depression simply disappeared in many of them.
Dr. Frank Benjamin recommended using high RNA foods such as canned or fresh sardines, salmon, other seafood, legumes, wheat germ and green, leafy vegetables at mealtimes. Canned sardines have been thought to be the food highest in RNA, at 590 mg of RNA per 100 grams. 14
But, the latest research by Dr. Minchinori of Japan has reported levels of 10 percent RNA and 3 percent DNA in chlorella. This means chlorella is 17 times higher in RNA than canned sardines!
It is interesting to notice the overlapping of diseases that have responded to Dr. Frank’s RNA-rich diet and those that have responded to regular dietary supplements of chlorella and CGF.
Of course, that nucleic acids aren’t everything. They need to be taken together with a balanced nutritional regimen. It is of absolute importance that they be used together with the proper enzymes, peptides, sufficient vitamin B-12 and other vitamins and minerals.
One disadvantage of chlorella in the past has been its limited digestibility due to a tough outer wall, which has reduced the availability of nutrients for assimilation to around 40 percent. In recent years, a patented process for breaking down the cell wall has increased digestibility to 80 percent.


1 lb, 5 lbs

Nutrition Facts

Organic Chlorella Broken cell wall powder
Nutrition Facts 100 grams
Amount Per Serving

Calories 411

Total Fat 9.3g
Saturated Fat 0g
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium 0mg
Potassium 1333mg
Total Carbohydrate 23g
Dietary Fiber 0g
Sugars 0g Added 0 sugar
Protein 60g
Vitamin A 51300 IU
Vitamin D 0 mcg
Calcium 220 mg
Iron 130 mg
Vitamin C 10 mg

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Ingredients: Organic Chlorella broken cell wall powder


1. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2007 Apr;71(4):916-25
2. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 2006 Dec;52(6):457-66.
3. Altern Ther Health Med. 2001 May-Jun;7(3):79-91.
4. Kanno, Toshihiro. Chlorella Vulgaris. pg. 13
5. Kanno, Toshihiro. Chlorella Vulgaris. pg. 6v 6. Cousens, Gabriel. Conscious Eating pg. 636
7. Meyerowitz, Steve. Power Juices Super Drinks. pg. 29
8. Cousens, Gabriel. Conscious Eating pg. 636
9. “Changes induced by Chlorella on the Body Weight and incidence of Colds Among Naval Trainees.” Midorf, 1, 1970.
10. Umexawa, et al., “Physico-Chemical and Biological Properties of Chron A, an Acid Polysaccharide Originating from Chlorella,” Chemotherapy, Vol. 30, No. 9, Sept 1982
11. Yamagishi Yoshio “The Treatment of Peptic Ulcers by Chlorella,: Nihon III Shimpo. No 1997, 1962.
12. Yamaguchi Shimizu, et al., “immuno Modulation by Single Cellular Algae (Chlorella Pyrenoldosa) and Anti-tumor Activities for Tumor-Bearing Mice,” paper presented at the 3rd International Congress of Developmental and Comparative Immunology, Reims, France: July 1985.
13. Yamada, Yoshio, et al., ‘School Children’s Growth and the Value of Chlorella.” Nihon III shimpo, No. 2196, 1988.
14. Dr. Frank Benjamin, “Dr. Frank’s No-Aging Diet, B of A Communications Co., Baton Rouge, LA (1981).

More references on Chlorella:

1. Bewicke, Dhyana and Beverly A. Potter. Chlorella, The Emerald Food. Ronin Publishing Inc. Berkeley, California 1984
2. Dr. David Steenbock, B.S., M.Sc., D.O. President, Aging Research Institute.Chlorella Natural Medecine Algae. Aging Research Institute, Mission Viejo, CA 1996
3. Paul Pitchford. Healing with Whole Foods.North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California, Third Edition.
4. Schopf, J. William. Precambian Micro-organism and evolutionary Events Prior to the origin of Vascular Plants. Biol.Rev. (1970)
5. Kojima, M., T. Kasajima, Y. Imai, S. Kobayashi, M. Dobashi and T. Uemura. A New Chlorella Polysaccharide and Its Accelerating Effect on the Phagocytic Activity of the Reticuloendothelial System. Recent Adv. R. E. S. Res. 13:11, 1973
6. Hoefer-Janker, H. et. Al. Arztl. Praxis 1969, 1971
7. Hamada, M., M. Yakmazaki, I. Iwata, M. Hisada, S. Shimizu, N. Yamaguchi and Y-C Tung. [Immune Responsiveness of Tumor-Bearing Host and Trial of Modulation] in Japanese, Eng. Abs. J. Kanazawa Med. Univ. 1985
8. Nathan, DF, Murray, HW, Wiebe, ME, Rubin, BY. Identification of interferon-gamma as the lymphokine that activates human macrophage oxidative metabolism and antimicrobial activity. J.Exp. Med. 1983
9. Nathan, CF. et. al. Local and Systemic Efects of Intradermal Recombinant Interferon-Gamma in Patients with Lepromatous Leprosy. N. Engl. J. Med. 1986
10. Hixson, J.R.: Beta-Carotene Showing Promise as Topical Agent. Medical Tribune August 6, 1986
11. Shirota Minoru, et. Al. (Regarding the anti-virus components extracted from Chlorella.)Showa 42 nen Nihon nogika gakkai koen yori, 1967.
12. Sonoda, M. (Effect of chlorella extract on pregnancy anemia) Jap. J. Nutr. 1972
13. Brinckerhoff, C.E. et. Al. Effect of retinoids on rheumatoid arthritis, a proliferative and invasive non-malignant disease. Ciba Found. Symp. 1985
14. Noack, K. and Kiessling. The origin of chlorophyll and its relation to the blood pigment. Z. physiol. Chem., 1929.
15. Yamagishi, Y., Hasuda, S., Y.Mito. V. Experience in taking Chlorella for healing the less curable wound. In: Huang, C.J.: Application of Chlorella on Medecine and Food. Technical Bulletin, March 1970. Taiwan Chlorella Manufacture Co., Ltd., Tapei, Taiwan.
16. Udo Erasmus. Fats that Heal Fats that Kill. Alive Books, Burnaby BC Canada 1993.
17. Strum, W.B. and .M. Shapiro. Chronic Pancreatitis. Annals of Internal Medecine, 1971.
18. Mann, N.S.: Experimental acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis; Effect of chlorophyll-a. Gastroenterology, 1978.
19. Northcote, D.H., K.J. Goulding, and R.W. Horne.: The Chemical Composition and Structure of the Cell Wall of Chlorella pyrenoidosa. Biochem, 1958.
20. Fink, H. Herold, E.: The quality of the protein of unicellular green algae and their effect in preventing liver necrosis. Zeitschr. Physiol Chem, 1956.
21. Tixier, L., et. Al. La thérapeutique des maladies par excés de cholesterol. Rev. Med. Paris, 1937.
22. Hunter, Brian and Peter Batham, “Acute Oral Toxicity to Rats of Green Chlorella and Yellow Chlorella Powders,” Huntington Research Centre, Huntington, England (November 1972).
23. Sonoda, M. (Effects of chlorella extract on pregnancy anemia) Jap. J. Nutr. (1972).
24. Yamaguchi, N. S. Shimizu, T. Murayama, T. saito, R.F. Wang and Y.C. Tong: Immunomodulation by single cellular algae (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) and anti-tumor activities for tumor-bearing mice. Presented at the Third International Congress of Developmental and Comparative Immunology, Reims, France, July 7-13, 1985.
25. Okamoto, K., Y. Iizuka, T. Murakami, H. Miyake and T. Suziki: Effect of Chlorella Alkali Extract on Blood Pressure in SHR. Jpn. Heart J. 19(4), 1978.
26. Dupont, R. et Duhamel, G., Chlorophyll et cancer. Bull
27. Montgomery, R..M and Nachtigall, H.B.: Oral administration of chlorophyll fractions for body deodorization. Postgrad. Med., 1950.
28. Nedwin, G.E., Svedersky, L.P., Bringman T.S., Palladino, M.A.Jr., Goeddel, D.V.: Effect of interleukin 2, interferon-gamma, and mitogens on the production of necrosis factors alpha and beta. J.Immunol. 1985.
29. Effects of the administration of a chlorella preparation on the life spans and physiological functions of normal and congenitally diabetic animals. Scientific Reports on Chlorella in Japan, 1992:pp 76-77.
30. Cadmium induced hypertension. Clin Exp Hypertens, 1999; 21(1-2):pp. 79-84.
31. Promotion of cultured vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation by low levels of cadmium. Toxicol. Lett., 1998; 94(3):pp.175-180.
32. Chlorella vulagaris culture supernatant (CVS) reduces psychological stress-induced apoptosis in thymocytes of mice. International Journal of Immunopharmacology (Engalnd), 2000 Nov; 22(11):pp.877-85.
33. Effects of phosphatidylserine in age-associated memory impairment. Neurology, 1991 May;41(%):pp.644-649.
34. Effects on long-term administration of chlorella preparations on the advancement of aging in humans and laboratory animals. Scientific Reports on Chlorella in Japan, 1992; Silpaque publishing, Inc. Kyoto, Japan.
35. Results of dental amalgam removal and mercury detoxification using DMPS and neural therapy. Alternative Therapies, 2000 July; 6(4):pp.49-55.
36. Mercury removal by immobilizing algae in batch culture systems. Jrn. Appl. Phycol., 1990; 4(6):pp.220-230
37. Effect of dietary nucleotides on response to bacterial infections. Journal Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 1986; 10(2):pp.169-171.
38. Clinical effect of chlorella vulgaris E-25 on young children with atopic dermatitis. Pasken Journal, 1997; 9-10:pp. 11-14.
39. Oral administration of hot water extracts of chlorella vulgaris reduces IgE production against milk casein in mice. Int. Journal of Immunopharmacol-ogy, 1999; 21; pp.311-323.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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