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Black Garlic Fermented


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Maintaining high levels of blood sugar can come with a slew of negative effects on health. In the short term, it can cause diabetes symptoms like frequent urination and fatigue. In the long term, it can even cause kidney dysfunction, skin infections and a higher risk of heart disease.

Adding black garlic to a healthy and balanced diet is a simple way to help maintain normal blood sugar levels. An animal model out of Dankook University in Korea showed that black garlic extract was not only effective in lowering levels of blood cholesterol and triglycerides in rats fed a high-fat diet, but it was also able to reduce blood sugar levels as well.

Contains: 0.1% S-Allyl Cysteine and 3% Polyphenol

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Black garlic fermented

When looking at the difference between black garlic and regular garlic, it really comes down to the reduced content of allicin in the latter. Because of its allicin content, fresh garlic has a stronger, more offensive flavor.

This slow-cooking process eventually turns the garlic cloves dark and gives them a sweet taste. It also alters the clove’s consistency, making them chewy and jelly-like, almond like dates.

Loaded with Antioxidants*

Antioxidants are compounds that can have a powerful effect on health. They work by neutralizing harmful free radicals to prevent oxidative stress and damage to cells.

According to a critical review published in the Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, black garlic demonstrates much higher biological activity than fresh garlic, including its antioxidant properties.

Another study, this one out of South Korea, found that allowing garlic to age over a 35-day period to form black garlic causes a significant increase in the antioxidant content, reaching peak antioxidant levels on the 21st day of aging.

During the aging process, the allicin in garlic is converted into antioxidant compounds, including alkaloids and bioflavonoids. While black garlic is slowly cooking, it’s going through a fermentation process that converts its phytochemical compounds.

The antioxidants that emerge have the ability to regulate cell signaling and reduce inflammation. Plus, they have neuroprotective, antithrombogenic, antidiabetic and anticancer activities.

Helps Fight Cancer Growth*

systematic review published in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine found that intakes of aged garlic are inversely associated with cancer. Twenty-five studies that focused on cancer incidences and aged garlic exposure were evaluated for the review, with results from human, animal and lab studies having mostly consistent reports.

2014 in vitro study showed that aged black garlic extract was able to effectively kill off and reduce the growth of colon cancer cells. Similarly, another in vitro study published in the journal Nutrition and Research Practice reported that aged black garlic extract decreased the growth and spread of leukemia cells as well.

Researchers believe that the anticarcinogenic effects of aged garlic is from its antioxidant compounds. The phenolic compounds, in particular, are significantly higher in aged garlic than raw garlic.

The components of aged garlic have been linked to tumor markers reduction and help block the buildup of free radicals to inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells in the body.

Boosts Heart Health*

One of the most well-known garlic benefits is its ability to protect and improve the health of your heart. Black garlic may also help enhance heart health, with some studies even showing that it may be just as effective as raw garlic.

2018 animal model compared the effects of black garlic and raw garlic on heart health recovery following damage caused by ischemia, or a lack of blood supply to the heart muscles. Interestingly, researchers found that both raw garlic and black garlic exhibited cardioprotective effects and were equally effective in minimizing damage to the heart.

Another animal model conducted at Dankook University in Korea also showed that it was able to lower levels of cholesterol and high triglycerides to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Preserves Cognitive Function*

Much like regular garlic, black garlic can have a powerful effect on brain health. Because it’s rich in antioxidants, it can alleviate inflammation and may aid in the prevention of cognitive conditions like dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

A recent animal model published in Nutrients showed that aged garlic extract improved memory in cognitively impaired rats, plus helped decrease inflammation in the brain as well.

Another animal study out of Indonesia also found that black garlic protected against oxidative stress and prevented memory impairment after the administration of monosodium glutamate, or MSG, in rats.

Stabilizes Blood Sugar*

Maintaining high levels of blood sugar can come with a slew of negative effects on health. In the short term, it can cause diabetes symptoms like frequent urination and fatigue. In the long term, it can even cause kidney dysfunction, skin infections and a higher risk of heart disease.

Adding black garlic to a healthy and balanced diet is a simple way to help maintain normal blood sugar levels. An animal model out of Dankook University in Korea showed that black garlic extract was not only effective in lowering levels of blood cholesterol and triglycerides in rats fed a high-fat diet, but it was also able to reduce blood sugar levels as well.

Meanwhile, an animal study published in Nutrition Research and Practice reported that the high antioxidant levels in black garlic may also be useful in preventing diabetes complications.

And more studies on rats show that black garlic extract has beneficial metabolic effects in a context of obesity or diabetes. Researchers in Spain found that the administration of aged black garlic extract improved the metabolic and vascular alternations induced by a high-fat and high-sucrose diet.

This occurred through the modification in gene expression of proteins and neuropeptides involves in inflammation, fat metabolism and food intake regulation.

Kicks Up Immunity*

Your immune system plays a crucial role in your overall health. It wards off illness and infections and can even help prevent chronic conditions as well.

The antioxidants found in black garlic enhance immunity by fighting free radicals, reducing inflammation and preventing oxidative damage to your cells.

2012 in vitro study evaluated the differences between black and raw garlic and their individual effects on immune function. Not only did it exhibit the strongest anticancer and antioxidant properties, but it also had a more powerful effect on stimulating immunity.

These immune-boosting benefits could have far-reaching effects on several aspects of health and may aid in the treatment of everything from allergies to autoimmune disorders and acute infections.

Difference Between Black Garlic and Raw Garlic

Although black garlic is made from raw garlic that has been fermented in a humidity-controlled, warm environment over a period of several weeks, there are several notable differences between black and raw garlic in terms of health benefits and taste.

Nutritionally, the differences between black and raw garlic are minute. Raw garlic is lower in calories and contains less sodium with slightly more vitamin C. Black garlic, on the other hand, contains more fiber and iron and is a bit lower in carbohydrates.

Raw garlic also tends to be higher in allicin, one of the key compounds found in garlic that’s responsible for many of its potential health benefits as well as its characteristic taste and aroma. However, it’s also lower in antioxidants, with studies showing that black garlic actually contains a more concentrated amount of these disease-fighting compounds.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


100 gms, 1 lb, 5 lbs

Supplement Facts

Serving Size 1 gram
Amount Per Serving

Black Garlic Extract (Aged and Fermented) (Allium sativum) (bulb) (Standardized to contain 0.5% S-Allyl-Cysteine, 5 mg)

Other ingredients: None


Dosage and Use

  • Take 1 gram daily, before lunch or dinner, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.


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  • When using nutritional supplements, please consult with your physician if you are undergoing treatment for a medical condition or if you are pregnant or lactating.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or health condition.

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